Mike Espy’s 1988 DNC Convention Speech

Mike Espy
2 min readAug 21, 2020


By Jamilla Espy

In honor of the Democratic National Convention, we wanted to share this throwback with you: My dad’s speech at the 1988 convention in Atlanta!

Our team was able to dig up this old footage yesterday. I was too young to remember watching this live, but looking back on it today, I’m so proud. The remarks my dad gives are to introduce future Texas Governor Ann Richards’ keynote address — a powerful speech that many Democrats still reminisce about to this day.

Back in the summer of 1988, Mike Espy was a young congressman finishing up his first term. He had recently made history for becoming the first Black congressman in Mississippi since Reconstruction.

So much has changed since then (including my dad’s glasses and hair!) but what has remained the same is his commitment to bringing positive change to Mississippi and our country.

Our fight continues, and believe me, he’s still a fighter for the people.

Check out my dad’s speech here, then pitch in $10 to give Mike Espy what it takes to win on November 3 and become Mississippi’s next U.S. Senator.

As First Lady Michelle Obama said at the DNC convention earlier this week, this is an incredibly important election year and we must “vote like our lives depend on it.” Let’s help make history in 75 days from now and create a new Mississippi that works for each and every one of us. I hope you’re with me!

Thanks for all you do,

Jamilla Espy



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